
This package implements the Management and Ping APIs as documented here

Context Manager

Either the Client or AsyncClient can be used as a ContextManager (or Async Context Manager)

from healthchecks_io import Client, CheckCreate

with Client(api_key="myapikey") as client:
    check = client.create_check(CheckCreate(name="New Check", tags="tag1 tag2"))

This is probably the easiest way to use the Clients for one-off scripts. If you do not need to keep a client open for multiple requests, just use the context manager.


When using either of the client types as a context manager, the httpx client underlying the client will be closed when the context manager exits.

Since we allow you to pass in a client on creation, its possible to use a shared client with this library. If you then use the client as a contextmanager, it will close that shared client.

Just a thing to be aware of!


Instantiate a Client

If you want to work with the API for the SaaS healthchecks, you can create a client like below:

from healthchecks_io import Client

client = Client(api_key="myapikey", ping_key="optional_ping_key")

If you are using a self-hosted healthchecks instance, you can set the api url when creating the client.

from healthchecks_io import Client

client = Client(api_key="myapikey",

Creating a new Check

from healthchecks_io import Client, CheckCreate

client = Client(api_key="myapikey")

check = client.create_check(CheckCreate(name="New Check", tags="tag1 tag2"))

Getting a Check

from healthchecks_io import Client

client = Client(api_key="myapikey")

check = client.get_check(check_id="mychecksuuid")

Pinging a Check

from healthchecks_io import Client

client = Client(api_key="myapikey")
result, text = client.success_ping(uuid="mychecksuuid")


If you want to use the client in an async program, use AsyncClient instead of Client

import asyncio
from healthchecks_io import AsyncClient, CheckCreate

async def main():
    client = AsyncClient(api_key="myapikey")

    check = await client.create_check(CheckCreate(name="New Check", tags="tag1 tag2"))

if __name__ == "__main__":


Ever wanted to run some code and wrape it in a healthcheck check without thinking about it?

That’s what CheckTrap is for.

import asyncio
from healthchecks_io import Client, AsyncClient, CheckCreate, CheckTrap

def run_my_thing_to_monitor():

async def main(check):
    client = AsyncClient(ping_key="ping_key")

    # works with async too, and the ping api and slugs
    async with CheckTrap(client, slug=check.slug) as ct:
        # when entering the context manager, sends a start ping to your check
        # Add custom logs to what gets sent to healthchecks. Reminder, only the first 10k bytes get saved
        ct.add_log("My custom log message")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = Client(api_key="myapikey")

    # create a new check, or use an existing one already with just its uuid.
    check = await client.create_check(CreateCheck(name="New Check", tags="tag1 tag2")

    with CheckTrap(client, check.uuid):
        # when entering the context manager, sends a start ping to your check